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Star=Amitay Yaish Ben Ousilio Runtime=123min Liked It=328 votes Details the year leading to the assassination of Israel's Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin (1922-1995), from the point of view of the assassin Genre=Thriller Country=Israel.






㆗openload㆙ Yamim Noraim Full Movie Rated 4.0 / 5 based on 330 reviews.

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Reviews: A couple's visit with their son takes a dramatic turn when the father tells him he plans on leaving his mother. William Nicholson. duration: 1 hours, 40Min. Ratings: 7,5 / 10. genre: Romance. Hope gap year. Hope gapi. Hope gap bill nighy. Hope gap british film festival. Hope gap full movie. Hope gap youtube. Hope gap showtimes. Hope gap release date. Hope gap reviews. Hope gap hautes. Very enjoyable drama about an couple whose marriage is strained and break up and the effects on each and their grown son. Some humour but a serious film. Performances are first class and as usual Annette Bening is outstanding. John O'Connor (Gods Own Country) also is a stand out.

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Hope gap (2019. Hope gap release date australia. Thank you William Nicholson for saving my Dinard Film Festival 2019. After viewing several so un-innovative "real stories" Red Joan, Fisherman's Friends) and "social realism" films (The Last Tree, VS - even though VS's world of rap battles was fascinating) I was getting really disappointed in British cinema.
Hope Gap made up for all that. It is beautifully acted (Annette Bening is extraordinary) deep and subtle, and does carry you away. Home apartment rentals. Hope gap movie release date. Hope gap film release. 原创 布施 最后发布于2017-10-18 11:53:38 阅读数 7322 收藏 发布于2017-10-18 11:53:38 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4. 0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。 route add default gw 192. 168. 1. 1 #添加默认网关 192. 1 route add -net 192. 0/24 gw 192. 1 eth0 #1. 0网段走192. 1网关走 eth0为要走的网卡。 route add -net 192. 2. 254 eth1 #2. 0网段走2. 254网关、通过eth1这个网卡走。 route add -net 192. 33. 0. 0/16 gw 192. 254 eth1 #33. 0网段走 2. 254网关、通过eth1网卡走。 发布了23 篇原创文章 · 获赞 57 · 访问量 11万+.

Hope gap release. Hope gap book. Tuesday, 25 Apr 2017 發現 新的台北伴手禮 : 海邊走走花生愛餡蛋捲 可以買來送給國外友人,海邊走走真的是一夕之間爆紅,看好多朋友都在FB上曬入手的花生愛餡蛋捲,光是可愛的名字及療癒的海洋藍色包裝就讓我迫不及待想買來吃看看,趁著買送日本好友時,自己也滑了幾樣吃看看,好不好吃?多少錢?文內全部詳細告訴你,我在松菸分店買的。 *歡迎加入小V的telegram、最新消息資訊不漏接* ✔️ 已經下載過telegram 的朋友, 請直接搜尋「venuslintw」 ✔️ 或點網址加入頻道 👉 ✔️ 第一次下載telegram ▶️ 先安裝 ▶️ 再中文化 ▶️ 加入頻道: ▪️ 蘋果 ▪️ 安卓 ▪️ 電腦 ✔️ 下載後請點擊下方連結中文化 👉 大概是「海邊」讓我誤以為是從「花蓮」紅到台北的伴手禮! 本來以為一定要網路購物宅配, 後來發現來自淡水的「 海邊走走 」目前有4間分店: 淡水總店 淡水中正店 西門武昌店 誠品松菸店 對我來說最方便的就是誠品松菸店啦, 我大約週五晚上7點來到誠品松菸店的海邊走走, 架上有點空讓我有不好的預感…….. 果然最招牌最經典的 花生愛餡蛋捲 NT$480 只剩下最後一盒。 本來想買一盒花生愛餡蛋捲送日本好友, 只剩下一盒讓我很掙扎是否明天要再來買? 後來服務人員推薦我送禮的話可以買這種有四種不同口味的禮盒: 禮好蛋捲典藏限量盒 NT$820 禮盒設計超大方的, 還有一個專屬的袋子直接決定就買它囉。 罐裝的 肉鬆捲跟蛋捲 倒是還有很多現貨。 身為V愛買, 加上愛嚐鮮, 既然來買日本好友的伴手禮, 我也想滑幾樣經典的商品自己吃看看, 正在猶豫不決要買哪款時? 服務人員推薦我買: 海苔肉鬆蛋捲 NT$320 。 第一次買我也有點搞不清楚要買哪種? 無論是官網或是現場都有圖說。 買伴手禮送日本好友, 結果只有左上那盒是送好友的, 自己還滑了兩樣, 有沒有那麼愛買啦! 有專屬袋子, 送禮真的超級有面子。 禮盒的設計也是簡單大方, 加上好友喜歡藍色, 喜歡這伴手禮有讓她耳目一新(而且不再是鳳梨酥了,哈)。 四種口味蛋捲禮盒, 送禮真的超適合, 讓收禮人可以一次嚐到4種不同口味的蛋捲, 也是因為花生愛餡蛋捲剩下最後一盒, 讓我陰錯陽差買到更棒的伴手禮。 肉鬆蛋捲跟花生愛餡蛋捲是各4包(左右兩邊白色包裝), 激厚黃金蛋捲跟激後海苔蛋捲是各6包(中間透明包裝), 唯一的缺點就是蛋捲本身太脆弱, 若跟我一樣要帶到國外(日本)送朋友建議還是要hand carry上飛機。 再來開箱我自己手滑的 花生愛餡蛋捲 NT$480 及 海苔肉鬆蛋捲 NT$320 , 看過禮盒的紙袋, 就覺得普通的紙袋有點一般般, 幸好我是買禮盒送好友。 超可愛的包裝設計, 超有FU超吸睛的店名:海邊走走, 品名也好可愛:花生愛餡蛋捲。 打開後有附一小張小卡, 本身也是明信片。 花生愛餡蛋捲 NT$480 內容有是8包。 包裝設計有點類似鳳梨酥。 打開後有兩根蛋捲。 我看官網介紹時 以為是那種會流的花生餡 , 事實證明我想太多了, 但還是很特別, 因為是 手工蛋捲包:花生醬這樣的組合 。 官網上寫: 蛋捲餅皮無添加水及牛奶稀釋, 使用屏東立益牧場洗選蛋與純紐西蘭安佳奶油調製而成, 經過200度高溫烘烤下, 金黃酥脆的餅皮包覆台灣北港新鮮研磨花生。 你們直接看我截錄的官網介紹囉。 可以看出手工蛋捲本身超級厚實, 一口咬下雖然非我一開始預期:會流的花生醬或是爆漿的花生醬, 手工蛋捲本身口感非常厚實又香, 花生醬入口後也很濃郁, 是整個嘴裡滿滿花生香氣那種, 第一次吃到這樣包餡的蛋捲, 還是我很愛的花生醬,真的有特別, 只是價格有點不大親切, 只能偶爾買來吃或是送禮。 海苔肉鬆蛋捲 NT$320 一罐只有8根蛋捲, 真的不多, 等於1根要NT$40, 一樣是價格不算親切。 是蛋捲一層一層包著肉鬆, 手工蛋捲本身一樣很厚實, 也許是先吃過花生愛餡蛋捲, 覺得沒有醬的肉鬆蛋捲口感比較乾, 但還是比一般坊間賣的手工蛋捲香跟好吃。 除了價格不算太親切外, 花生愛餡蛋捲真的不錯吃, 但送禮的話倒是沒差, NT$820的禮盒送禮很體面。 海邊走走: 平時送國外友人通常我都買鳳梨酥, 偶爾會送8%的手工餅乾, 或是先麥芋頭酥。 【台北伴手禮/鳳梨酥】鼎泰豐鳳梨酥 【台北伴手禮/鳳梨酥】陳無嫌鳳梨酥(吳寶春麵包店出品) @誠品松菸吳寶春麥方店 【台北伴手禮/鳳梨酥】微熱山丘 土鳳梨酥 – 我最愛送國外友人的第一名鳳梨酥推薦 最常買的佳德一直忘記拍照寫文, 佳德鳳梨酥現在很討厭常常需要大排長龍XD.

GCSE 09 Chinese Vocabulary book Version- Draft 1 GCSE Chinese Edexcel GCSE in Chinese Edexcel GCSE 2009 Chinese Vocabulary Book Edexcel are pleased to oprovide this free vocabulary book freely to support learners following the the Edexcel GCSE 2009 Specification in Chinese. Please note: the most up to date version of this document is available on the Edexcel website and a definitive list of core vocabulary is available in the Edexcel Specification. Introduction This bilingual glossary has been produced to support you in your language learning and to help you prepare for the Edexcel GCSE. It features a revised minimum core vocabulary foundation level vocabulary (this has been expanded from the original one in the specification) as well as higher level vocabulary. English meanings, genders and irregular word endings are given and the vocabulary is listed both alphabetically and under the following Edexcel headings: High Frequency Language Verbs Adjectives Colours Adverbs Numbers Quantities Connecting Words Time Expressions Times Days of the Week Months of the Year Question Words Countries Continents Nationalities Areas/Mountains/Cities/Rivers Acronyms and Abbreviations Social Conventions Prepositions Listening and Reading Topics Out and About Visitor Information, Basic Weather, Local Amenities, Accommodation, Public Transport, Directions Customer Services and Transactions Cafes and Restaurants, Shops, Dealing with Problems Personal Information General Interest, Leisure Activities, Family and Friends, Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise) Future Plans, Education and Work Basic Language of the Internet, Simple Job Advertisements, Simple Job Applications and CV, School and College, Work and Work Experience Speaking and Writing Topics Media and Culture Music/Film/Reading, Fashion/Celebrities/Religion, Blogs/Internet Sports and Leisure Hobbies/interests, Sporting Events, Lifestyle Choices Travel and Tourism Holidays, Accommodation, Eating (food and drink) Business, Work and Employment Work Experience/Part-time Jobs, Product or service Information Although words are listed under specific topic headings, they are not always exclusive to these. Many words can also relate to other topic areas, but may only be listed in one. At the end of each section you will find some blank pages, these enable you to note down other words that you encounter during the GCSE course and which may prove useful. Please note that this is not a complete list of all vocabulary for the Edexcel GCSE, and should be used as a reference guide that students can refer to and add to rather than a definitive list of vocabulary needed to achieve a specific grade. This vocabulary book is currently a first draft; if centres notice any errors in the vocabulary lists contained in this document please let us know and we will ensure they are updated appropriately. Section 1 High Frequency Language This has been taken from the appendix in the specification Verbs English should to arrive,to get to to ask to be to be interested in to be quiet to begin to buy to call,to be named to change to close, to switch off to come to do, to be/become (occupation) to draw/paint (picture) to drink to drive to eat to enter to find, to look for to forget to get angry to give to give (present), to deliver, to say goodbye to someone to go to go out to go to bed, to sleep to have to help to hope to invite,to ask, please to jump Simplified 应该 到 问 是 对……有兴趣 安静 开始 买 叫 换(钱/车/衣服 etc) 关 (灯/电视/门 etc) 来 做 画 喝 开车 吃 进 找 忘 生气 给 送 去 出 睡觉 有 帮助 希望 请 跳 Traditional 應該 到 問 是 對……有興趣 安靜 開始 買 叫 換(錢/車/衣服 etc) 關 (燈/電視/門 etc) 來 做 畫 喝 開車 吃 進 找 忘 生氣 給 送 去 出 睡覺 有 幫助 希望 請 跳 to know to know (be familiar with) to know how to, can to laugh, smile to learn,to study to let, to allow, to make to like to listen/hear to live to love to meet to play to play (ball game), make (phone call), to beat to play (football), kick to put, to set free to remember, to write down to return to say,speak, talk to see, read, watch, look at to seem to sell to send (a letter) to send (an email) to sing to sit to spend (time/money), flower to stop to switch on, turn on,open to tell to think, to feel to try to understand to use to visit (place) to wait for to want to want, be going to to wash to wear, to put on 知道 认识 会 笑 学习 让 喜欢 听 住 爱 见/见面 玩 打 踢 放 记 回 说 看 好象 卖 寄 (信) 发 (电子邮件) 唱 坐 花 停 开(灯/电视/门 etc) 告诉 觉得 试 懂 用 参观 等 想 要 洗 穿 知道 認識 會 笑 學習 讓 喜歡 聽 住 愛 見/見面 玩 打 踢 放 記 回 說 看 好象 賣 寄 (信) 發 (電子郵件) 唱 坐 花 停 開(燈/電視/門 etc) 告訴 覺得 試 懂 用 參觀 等 想 要 洗 穿 to wish to write 祝 写 祝 寫 Adjectives English bad beautiful big boring busy clean cold comfortable correct, right delicious easy far fast, quick fat funny good happy hard, difficult hardworking healthy, health high, tall hot hungry interesting interesting, amusing, cute long lovely, loveable most near new old pleased, happy rich same short slow Simplified 坏 漂亮 大 没意思 忙 干净 冷 舒服 对 好吃 容易 远 快 胖,肥 有趣 好 快乐 难 努力 健康 高 热 饿 有意思 好玩 长 可爱 最 近 新 老/旧 高兴 有钱 一样 短 慢 Traditional 壞 漂亮 大 沒意思 忙 乾淨 冷 舒服 對 好吃 容易 遠 快 胖,肥 有趣 好 快樂 難 努力 健康 高 熱 餓 有意思 好玩 長 可愛 最 近 新 老/舊 高興 有錢 一樣 短 慢 small thin thirsty tired useful wrong 小 瘦 渴 累 有用 错 小 瘦 渴 累 有用 錯 Colours English colour red yellow blue green white black Simplified 颜色 红 黄 蓝 绿 白 黑 Traditional 顔 色 紅 黃 藍 綠 白 黑 Adverbs English here there nearby not not (have) very too both, all sometimes often again perhaps, possibly (for a) long time immediately already more almost especially to be in the process of too (adjectives) extremely Simplified 这里,这儿 那里,那儿 附近 不 没 很 也 都 有时候 常常 再 可能 很久 马上 已经 更 差不多 特别 正在 太...... 了 非常...... Traditional 這裏,這兒 那裏,那兒 附近 不 沒 很 也 都 有時候 常常 再 可能 很久 馬上 已經 更 差不多 特別 正在 太...... 了 非常...... Numbers 1-100 English (for quantity) two + Measure Word + noun 1 – 10 Simplified 两 Traditional 兩 一,二,三,四,五,六, 一,二,三,四,五, 七,八,九,十 六,七,八,九,十 万 百 千 萬 百 千 10 thousand hundred thousand Quantities English a piece of few many, how (+ adjectives) several the most common measure word Simplified 条 少 多 几个 个 Traditional 條 少 多 幾個 個 Time Expressions English afternoon date early evening everyday from future, in the future half hour last week last year late midday minute month morning next week Simplified 下午 号/日 早 晚上 每天,天天 从 将来 半 小时/钟头 上星期 去年 晚 中午 分,分钟 月 早上,上午 下星期 Traditional 下午 號/日 早 晚上 每天,天天 從 將來 半 小時/鐘頭 上星期 去年 晚 中午 分, 分鐘 月 早上,上午 下星期 next year now o’clock this year today tomorrow week weekend yesterday 明年 现在 点 今年 今天 明天 星期 周末 昨天 明年 現在 點 今年 今天 明天 星期 週末 昨天 Connecting Words Refer to the grammar list on page 53 of the specification Times Awareness of times (analogue and digital) Days of the week English Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Simplified 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日, 星期天 Traditional 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日, 星期天 Months of the year English January February March April May June July August September October November December Simplified 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 Traditional 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 Question words English (question marker) used after a question sentence e. g. 'what did you to today? ' (question marker) is also used like an expression plus question at the end of the sentence e. 'I am very busy, what about you? ' used like an expression at the end of a statement e. 'that's fine' Simplified 吗 呢 Traditional 嗎 呢 吧 Other high frequency words English he, him I, me Miss Mr,sir Mrs number she, her some that thing this time way, method we, us, you, they, them you Simplified 他 我 小姐 先生 太太 号码 她 些/一些 那 东西 这 时间 办法 我们, 你们, 他们, 她们 你 Traditional 他 我 小姐 先生 太太 號碼 她 些/一些 那 東西 這 時間 辦法 我們, 你們, 他們, 她們 你 Continents / Countries/ nationalities/ languages English Asia Europe country China France United Kingdom United States Simplified 亚洲 欧洲 国家 中国 法国 英国 美国 Traditional 亞洲 歐洲 國家 中國 法國 英國 美國 nationality people, person Chinese British French American language foreign language Chinese language Standard Chinese language French language English language 国籍 人 中国人 英国人 法国人 美國人 语言 外语 中文 / 汉语 普通话 法文 /法语 英语 / 英文 國籍 人 中國人 英國人 法國人 美國人 語言 外語 中文 普通話 法文 英語 / 英文 Social Conventions English excuse me good evening good night goodbye hello hello, everyone it doesn’t matter see you tomorrow sorry thank you Simplified 请问 晚上好 晚安 再见 你好 大家好 没关系 明天见 对不起 谢谢 Traditional 請問 晚上好 晚安 再見 你好 大家好 沒關係 明天見 對不起 謝謝 Prepositions English after…… before…… behind down during …… in in front of in, at, on middle opposite Simplified...... 以后...... 以前 后 (边) 下...... 的时候 里 (边) 前 (边) 在 中间 对面 Traditional...... 以後...... 以前 後 (邊) 下...... 的時候 裏 (邊) 前 (邊) 在 中間 對面 outside up 外 (边) 上 外 (邊) 上 Language used in dialogues and messages English I will put you through I’ll be right back I’m listening wait a moment wrong number Simplified 请等等 请等等 请说 请等等 打错了 Traditional 請等等 請等等 請說 請等等 打錯了 This page has been left blank for you to add any additional words you may find useful. Section 2 Listening and Reading 2. 1 Out and about Visitor Information- foundation English city Beijing Shanghai Hong Kong Taiwan London to welcome tourism tourist holiday passport traveller’s cheque Pound sterling Dollar (yuan) City / town centre hotel ticket to book, reserve activity Visit (a place, museum etc) perform exhibition concert scenery place Tiananmen Square the Great Wall zoo Panda shop Gift, present Calligraphy Chinese brush Chinese painting Simplified 城市 北京 上海 香港 台湾 伦敦 欢迎 旅游 游客 假期 护照 旅行支票 英镑 / 镑 元/块 市中心 酒店 票 订(房, 票) 活动 参观 表演 / 演出 展览会 音乐会 风景 地方 天安门广场 长城 动物园 熊猫 商店 礼物 书法 毛笔 国画 Traditional 城市 北京 上海 香港 台灣 倫敦 歡迎 旅遊 遊客 假期 護照 旅行支票 英鎊 / 鎊 元/塊 市中心 酒店 票 訂(房, 票) 活動 參觀 表演 / 演出 展覽會 音樂會 風景 地方 天安門廣場 長城 動物園 熊猫 商店 禮物 書法 毛筆 國畫 Kite postcard Post office Stamp problem Festival New Year Spring Festival / Chinese New Year The Mid-autumn Festival The Dragon boat Festival Christmas Lion dance Dragon dance Dragon boat Not allowed 风筝 明信片 邮局 邮票 问题 节日 新年 春节 / 中国新年 中秋节 端午节 圣诞节 舞狮 舞龙 龙舟 不可以 風箏 明信片 郵局 郵票 問題 節日 新年 春節 / 中國新年 中秋節 端午節 聖誕節 舞獅 舞龍 龍舟 不可以 Visitor Information - Higher English Capital city Free of charge Easter open opening hours/times map Souvenir rubbish fireworks surrounding area, vicinity adult child safety forbid Simplified 首都 免费 复活节 开 / 开放 开放时间 地图 纪念品 垃圾 烟火/ 烟花 附近 成人 儿童 安全 不准 / 禁止 Traditional 首都 免費 復活節 開 / 開放 開放時間 地圖 紀念品 垃圾 烟火/ 烟花 附近 成人 兒童 安全 不准 / 禁止 Basic weather – Foundation English spring summer autumn winter Simplified 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 Traditional 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 sun moon weather rain snow cloud wind fog foggy sunny to rain cloudy windy to snow degree(temperature) cold hot 太阳 月亮 天气 雨 雪 云 风 雾 大雾 天晴 下雨 多云 大风 下雪 度 冷 热 太陽 月亮 天氣 雨 雪 雲 風 霧 大霧 天晴 下雨 多雲 大風 下雪 度 冷 熱 Basic Weather - Higher English temperature lowest temperature highest temperature weather forecast Simplified 气温 最低气温 最高气温 天气预报 Traditional 氣溫 最低氣溫 最高氣溫 天氣預報 Local Amenities - Foundation English garden park square town centre Building, house cinema Court (sports – eg football, ) library museum sports ground swimming pool stadium zoo Simplified 花园 公园 广场 市中心 房子 电影院 球场 (足球场, 网球场…. ) 图书馆 博物馆 运动场 游泳池 体育馆 动物园 Traditional 花園 公園 廣場 市中心 房子 電影院 球場 (足球場, 網球場 …. ) 圖書館 博物館 運動場 游泳池 體育館 動物園 shop shopping centre supermarket bank post office hospital police station cathedral / church temple factory Bridge Hill / mountain lake river sea seaside flower grass tree airport Car park Station/stop (public transport) Bus stop / statiion railway station Underground station 商店 购物中心 超级市场 银行 邮局 医院 警察局 教堂 庙 工厂 桥 山 湖 河 海 / 大海 海边 花 草 树 飞机场 停车场 车站 公共汽车站 火车站 地铁站 商店 購物中心 超級市場 銀行 郵局 醫院 警察局 教堂 廟 工廠 橋 山 湖 河 海 / 大海 海邊 花 草 樹 飛機場 停車場 車站 公共汽車站 火車站 地鐵站 Local amenities - Higher English Famous spots Simplified 名胜 Traditional 名勝 Accommodation - Foundation English hotel Building / house room air conditioning door garden kitchen toilet Window Simplified 酒店 房子 房间 空调 门 花园 厨房 厕所 窗 Traditional 酒店 房子 房間 空調 門 花園 厨房 厠所 窗 chair sofa table fridge to book luggage service desk attendant 椅子 沙发 桌子 冰箱 订 行李 服务台 服务员 椅子 沙發 桌子 冰箱 訂 行李 服務台 服務員 Accommodation - Higher English guest rent Stay (number of nights) bedroom bathroom floor (1st, 2nd) Dining room Sitting room wardrobe Simplified 客人 租 住 卧室 (睡房) 浴室 (一, 二.. )层/楼 饭厅 客厅 衣柜 Traiditional 客人 租 住 臥室 (睡房) 浴室 (一, 二.. )層/樓 飯廳 客廳 衣櫃 Public transport- Foundation English Boat / ship / ferry bicycle bus car plane train underground train, tube, metro airport car park stop (bus, tram etc) Bus stop (station) underground station, tube station train station By (car/train/bus/boat etc) on foot Road, line/route, bus number Simplified 船 自行车 / 单车 公共汽车 汽车 飞机 火车 地铁 飞机场 停车场 站 / 车站 公共汽车站 地铁站 火车站 坐 (车 / 火车…) 走路 路 Traditional 船 自行車 / 單車 公共汽車 汽車 飛機 火車 地鐵 飛機場 停車場 站 / 車站 公共汽車站 地鐵站 火車站 坐 (車 / 火車…) 走路 路 to drive to get off, to alight to get on (train, bus etc) ticket 开车 下车 上车 票 開車 下車 上車 票 Public Transport - Higher English coach fare ticket office timetable (transport) traffic Simplified 旅游车 车费 售票处 时刻表/时间表 交通 Traditional 旅遊車 車費 售票處 時刻表/時間表 交通 Directions- Foundation English (on the) left (on the) right next to direction east west south north far Near (in distance) / close by on foot In front of behind opposite towards To cross (road, bridge, river etc) straight on the next To turn Simplified 在左边 在右边 在….. 旁边 方向 东 西 南 北 远 近 走路 前边 后边 对面 向 过 一直走 下一个 转 Traditional 在左邊 在右邊 在….. 旁邊 方向 東 西 南 北 遠 近 走路 前邊 後邊 對面 向 過 一直走 下一個 轉 Directions- Higher English traffic lights Simplified 交通灯 / 红绿灯 Traditional 交通燈 / 紅綠燈 Listening and Reading Section 2. 2 Customer services and transactions English (cooked/boiled) rice beef bread breakfast cake chicken coffee credit card department store dollar (yuan) duck dumpling egg fish fruit fruit juice meat menu milk money moon cake noodle pork pound sterling restaurant rice dumpling roast salesman/woman shoe skirt snack soft drinks soup sweater/jumper tea to cook, prepare a meal to order (from a menu) Simplified 米饭 牛肉 面包 早饭/早餐 蛋糕 鸡 咖啡 信用卡 百货公司 元/块 鸭 饺子 蛋 /鸡蛋 鱼 水果 果汁 肉 菜单 牛奶 钱 月饼 面/面条 猪肉 英镑 / 镑 餐厅 粽子 烤 售货员 鞋 裙子 点心 汽水 汤 毛衣 茶 做饭 点菜 Traditional 米飯 牛肉 麵包 早飯/早餐 蛋糕 鶏 咖啡 信用卡 百貨公司 元/塊 鴨 餃子 蛋 / 鶏蛋 魚 水果 果汁 肉 菜單 牛奶 錢 月餅 麵/麵條 豬肉 英鎊 / 鎊 餐廳 粽子 烤 售貨員 鞋 裙子 點心 汽水 湯 毛衣 茶 做飯 點菜 to pay traveller’s cheque trousers vegetable wallet, purse watch water wine 付钱 旅行支票 裤子 青菜 钱包 手表 水 酒 付錢 旅行支票 褲子 青菜 錢包 手錶 水 酒 Cafes and Restaurants- Foundation English restaurant breakfast lunch evening meal, dinner, supper (cooked/boiled) rice bread noodle to cook, prepare a meal to order (from a menu) menu meat chicken duck fish beef pork egg roast vegetable fruit fruit juice soup milk tea water soft drinks coffee wine dumpling snack Simplified 餐厅 早饭/早餐 午饭/午餐 晚饭/晚餐 米饭 面包 面/面条 做饭 点菜 菜单 肉 鸡 鸭 鱼 牛肉 猪肉 蛋 (鸡蛋) 烤 青菜 水果 果汁 汤 牛奶 茶 水 汽水 咖啡 酒 饺子 点心 Traditional 餐廳 早飯/早餐 午飯/午餐 晚飯/晚餐 米飯 麵包 麵/麵條 做飯 點菜 菜單 肉 鶏 鴨 魚 牛肉 豬肉 蛋 (鶏蛋) 烤 青菜 水果 果汁 湯 牛奶 茶 水 汽水 咖啡 酒 餃子 點心 cake moon cake rice dumpling to pay credit card money pound sterling dollar (yuan) chopsticks 蛋糕 月饼 粽子 付钱 信用卡 钱 英镑 / 镑 元/块 筷子 蛋糕 月餅 粽子 付錢 信用卡 錢 英鎊 / 鎊 元/塊 筷子 Cafes and restaurants- Higher English chips fried fried rice, noodles Sweet salty Knife and fork sweets Simplified 薯条 炒 炒饭, 炒面 甜 咸 刀叉 糖果 Traditional 薯條 炒 炒飯, 炒麵 甜 鹹 刀叉 糖果 Shops- Foundation English Shopping centre department store salesman/woman/sales assistant shoe skirt sweater/jumper trousers watch to pay credit card dollar (yuan) pound sterling wallet, purse Present, gift Kite Chinese brush Chinese painting Simplified 购物中心 百货公司 售货员 鞋 裙子 毛衣 裤子 手表 付钱 信用卡 元/块 英镑 / 镑 钱包 礼物 风筝 毛笔 国画 Traditional 購物中心 百貨公司 售貨員 鞋 裙子 毛衣 褲子 手錶 付錢 信用卡 元/塊 英鎊 / 鎊 錢包 禮物 風箏 毛筆 國畫 筷子 chopsticks camera Television set clock Mobile phone radio postcard Post office stamp 照相机 电视机 钟 手机 收音机 明信片 邮局 邮票 子 照相機 電視機 鐘 手機 收音機 明信片 郵局 郵票 筷 Shops- Higher English to try on (for size) Size – large, medium, small)) clothes trainers souvenir expensive cheap Sale /reduce price Simplified 试穿/试试 (看大小合适不 合适) 号 /号码 ( 大号, 中号, 小 号) 衣服 运动鞋 纪念品 贵 便宜 减价 Traditional 試穿/試試 (看大小合適不合適) 號 /號碼 ( 大號, 中號, 小號) 衣服 運動鞋 紀念品 貴 便宜 減價 Dealing with problems- Foundation English mistake damaged not working/functioning Change (to another one) feeling unwell service disappear/lost something hospital money police station policeman manager problem Method, solution noise Size (clothes, shoes etc) Simplified 不对/错 坏的 / 坏了 坏的 / 坏了 换 不舒服 服务 不见了 医院 钱 警察局 警察 经理 问题 办法 吵 号 / 号码 Traditional 不對/錯 壞的 / 壞了 壞的 / 壞了 換 不舒服 服務 不見了 醫院 錢 警察局 警察 經理 問題 辦法 吵 號 / 號碼 Dealing with problems- Higher English accident Ill / sick / unwell fever hurt / injured to have ache noise polite Pleased / satisfactory pollutiion unsafe take medicine Simplified 意外 不舒服 /病 发烧 伤 痛 吵 / 噪音 有礼貌 满意 污染 不安全 吃药 Traditional 意外 不舒服 /病 發燒 傷 痛 吵 / 噪音 有禮貌 滿意 污染 不安全 吃藥 Listening and Reading Section 2. 3 Personal information General interest- Foundation English pet cat dog bird programme performance dance (to) dance song To sing, singing reading newspaper news watch movies watch television To do sports cycling ice skating play ball game (tennis, basketball…) (play)badminton (play)basketball (play)football (play)table tennis (play)tennis running, jogging skiing swimming computer electronic game to surf the internet Concert To listen to music Competition / matches Simplified 宠物 猫 狗 鸟 节目 表演 / 演出 舞 跳舞 歌 唱歌 看书 报纸 新闻 看电影 看电视 做运动 骑自行车(单车) 溜冰 打球 (打)羽毛球 (打)篮球 (踢)足球 (打)乒乓球 (打)网球 跑步 滑雪 游泳 电脑 电子游戏 上网 音乐会 听音乐 比赛 Traditional 寵物 貓 狗 鳥 節目 表演 / 演出 舞 跳舞 歌 唱歌 看書 報紙 新聞 看電影 看電視 做運動 騎自行車(單車) 溜冰 打球 (打)羽毛球 (打)籃球 (踢)足球 (打)乒乓球 (打)網球 跑步 滑雪 游泳 電腦 電子游戲 上網 音樂會 聽音樂 比賽 General interests- Higher English Famous, well known celebrity International world local magazine to chat, natter novel simplified 有名 名人 国际 世界 本地 杂志 聊天 小说 Traditional 有名 名人 國際 世界 本地 雜誌 聊天 小說 Leisure Activities- Foundation English programme performance dance (to) dance song To sing, singing reading watch movies watch television To do sports cycling ice skating Kite-flying play ball game (tennis, basketball…) (play)badminton (play)basketball (play)football (play)table tennis (play)tennis running, jogging skiing swimming computer electronic game to surf the internet Concert To listen to music Competition / match Simplified 节目 表演 / 演出 舞 跳舞 歌 唱歌 看书 看电影 看电视 做运动 骑自行车(单车) 溜冰 放风筝 打球 (打)羽毛球 (打)篮球 (踢)足球 (打)乒乓球 (打)网球 跑步 滑雪 游泳 电脑 电子游戏 上网 音乐会 听音乐 比赛 Traditional 節目 表演 / 演出 舞 跳舞 歌 唱歌 看書 看電影 看電視 做運動 騎自行車(單車) 溜冰 放風箏 打球 (打)羽毛球 (打)籃球 (踢)足球 (打)乒乓球 (打)網球 跑步 滑雪 游泳 電腦 電子游戲 上網 音樂會 聽音樂 比賽 (watch) Competition / a match Free time Festival celebrate New Year Spring Festival / Chinese New Year The Mid-autumn Festival The Dragon-boat Festival Christmas Lion dance Dragon dance Dragon boat (看)比赛 有空 节日 庆祝 新年 春节 / 中国新年 中秋节 端午节 圣诞节 舞狮 舞龙 龙舟 有空 節日 慶祝 新年 春節 / 中國新年 中秋節 端午節 聖誕節 舞獅 舞龍 龍舟 (看)比賽 Leisure activities- Higher English hobby to go for a walk/stroll Simplified 爱好 走走 / 散步 Traditional 愛好 走走 / 散步 Family and friends- Foundation English introduce self, oneself full name first name ……years old age birthday birth, to be born date of birth year Place Home, family family (member) father mother elder brother elder sister younger brother younger sister Simplified 介绍 自己 姓名 名字 ……岁 年龄 生日 出生 出生日期 年 地点 家 家人 爸爸 妈妈 哥哥 姐姐 弟弟 妹妹 Traditional 介紹 自己 姓名 名字 ……歲 年齡 生日 出生 出生日期 年 地點 家 家人 爸爸 媽媽 哥哥 姐姐 弟弟 妹妹 marry e-pal friend elderly people young people clothes eye glasses hair pet pocket money 结婚 网友 朋友 老年人 青年人 衣服 眼睛 眼镜 头发 宠物 零用钱/零花钱 結婚 網友 朋友 老年人 青年人 衣服 眼睛 眼鏡 頭髮 寵物 零用錢/零花錢 Family and friends- Higher English Child Boy girl granddad grandma to look after polite Simplified 孩子 / 儿童 男孩子 女孩子 爷爷 奶奶 照顾 有礼貌 Traditional 孩子 / 兒童 男孩子 女孩子 爺爺 奶奶 照顧 有禮貌 Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise)- Foundation English to have/eat breakfast snack delicious vegetables Health / healthy sleep do sport / exercise Take a break, rest unhealthy Simplified 吃早餐 点心 好吃 青菜 健康 睡觉 做运动 休息 不健康 Traditional 吃早餐 點心 好吃 青菜 健康 睡覺 做運動 休息 不健康 Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise) - Higher English alcoholic drinks drug(s) fatty, greasy flu habit Simplified 酒 毒品 油 / 油腻 感冒 习惯 Traditional 酒 毒品 油 / 油膩 感冒 習慣 having aches (eg - head) jog take medicine smoking 痛 (头痛) 慢跑 吃药 吸烟 慢跑 吃藥 吸烟 痛 (頭痛) Listening and Reading Section 2. 4 Future Plans, education and work English (job) interview actor/actress adult advert book break, rest Business/trade company/office doctor driver email engineer examination geography go to school (as a student) have a lesson headteacher history homework interview introduction, to introduce journalist magazine manager maths music news newspaper nurse P. E. (physical education) part time pen plan, intention plan, to plan pocket money primary school Simplified 面试 演员 成人 广告 书 休息 做生意 公司 医生 司机 电子邮件 工程师 考试 地理 上学 上课 校长 历史 作业 访问 介绍 记者 杂志 经理 数学 音乐 新闻 报纸 护士 体育 兼职 笔 打算 计划 零花钱/零用钱 小学 Traditional 面試 演員 成人 廣告 書 休息 做生意 公司 醫生 司機 電子郵件 工程師 考試 地理 上學 上課 校長 歷史 作業 訪問 介紹 記者 雜誌 經理 數學 音樂 新聞 報紙 護士 體育 兼職 筆 打算 計劃 零花錢/零用錢 小學 results, marks, achievement salary, wages school school subject school term schoolmate, classmate science scientist secondary school singer student summer holiday teacher (occupation) teacher (title) to apply, application to earn money travel agency university web page website work work experience worker 成绩 工资 学校 科目 学期 同学 科学 科学家 中学 歌星 学生 暑假 教师 老师 申请 赚钱 旅行社 大学 网页 网址 工作 工作经验 工人 成績 工資 學校 科目 學期 同學 科學 科學家 中學 歌星 學生 暑假 教師 老師 申請 賺錢 旅行社 大學 網頁 網址 工作 工作經驗 工人 Basic language of the internet- Foundation English computer e-mail surf the internet to chat (online, on MSN etc) e-pal webpage website Simplified 计算机 电子邮件 上网 聊天 网友 网址 网页 Traditional 電腦 電子郵件 上網 聊天 網友 網址 網頁 Basic language of the internet- Higher English chatroom (opinion) poll/survey to download virus Simplified 聊天室 (意见)调查 下载 病毒 Traditional 聊天室 (意見)調查 下載 病毒 Junk mail 垃圾邮件 垃圾郵件 Simple job advertisements- Foundation English actor/actress Business/trade doctor driver engineer journalist manager nurse Policeman scientist singer teacher (occupation) teacher (title) travel agency worker (job) interview advert news break, rest company Recruit, to employ salary To earn money Pocket money Part time to apply, application Send email Send letter To telephone experience Simplified 演员 做生意 医生 司机 工程师 记者 经理 护士 警察 科学家 歌星 教师 老师 旅行社 工人 面试 广告 新闻 休息 公司 招请 工资 赚钱 零花钱/零用钱 工作 申请 发电子邮件 寄信 打电话 經驗 Traditional 演員 做生意 醫生 司機 工程師 記者 經理 護士 警察 科學家 歌星 教師 老師 旅行社 工人 面試 廣告 新聞 休息 公司 招請 工資 賺錢 零花錢/零用錢 工作 申請 發電子郵件 寄信 打電話 經驗 Simple job advertisements- Higher English (to fill in) a form Per week (day / hour / month etc) reply, answer Simplified (填)表 每星期 / 每周 (天/小时/ 月…. ) 回复 Traditional (填)表 每星期 / 每周 (天/小時/月…. ) 回復 training work experience 训练 工作经验 工作經驗 訓練 Simple job applications and CV- Foundation English advert to apply, application experienced form interview job letter Simplified 广告 申请 有经验 表/表格 面试 工作 信 Traditional 廣告 申請 有經驗 表/表格 面試 工作 信 Simple job applications and CV- Higher English application form interview CV graduate Simplified 申请表 面试 简历 /履历表 毕业 Traditional 申請表 面試 簡歷 /履歷表 畢業 School and College- Foundation English school classroom go to school (as a student) have a lesson school subject Foreign languages geography history maths music P. (physical education) science examination homework school term summer holiday break headteacher Simplified 学校 教室 上学 上课 科目 外语 地理 历史 数学 音乐 体育 科学 考试 作业 学期 暑假 休息 校长 Traditional 學校 教室 上學 上課 科目 外語 地理 歷史 數學 音樂 體育 科學 考試 作業 學期 暑假 休息 校長 teacher (title) schoolmate, classmate student Primary school secondary school university Hard, difficult hardworking GCSE equivalent Result, marks, achievement book pen Plan, to plan Plan, intention Fench Chinese English 老师 同学 学生 小学 中学 大学 难 努力 中学会考 成绩 书 笔 计划 打算 法文/法语 中文/汉语 英文/英语 老師 同學 學生 小學 中學 大學 難 努力 中學會考 成績 書 筆 計劃 打算 法文/法語 中文/漢語 英文/英語 School and College- Higher English education dictionary exercise book German language mark, grade timetable to pay attention school uniform essay pressure independent confidence Simplified 教育 字典 / 词典 练习本 德文 / 德语 分数 (上课)时间表 集中 / 用心 校服 文章 压力 独立 信心 Traditional 教育 字典 / 詞典 練習本 德文 / 德語 分數 (上課)時間表 集中 / 用心 校服 文章 壓力 獨立 信心 Work and work experience- Foundation English Job, work actor/actress Business/trade doctor driver engineer Simplified 工作 演员 做生意 医生 司机 工程师 Traditional 工作 演員 做生意 醫生 司機 工程師 journalist manager nurse Policeman Sale assistant scientist singer teacher (occupation) teacher (title) Waiter/waitress/attendant travel agency worker Work experience company factory Look for/to find (a job) introduce To earn money Salary, wage(s), pay Part time Per week Pocket money Working hour fun easy hard break, rest experience experienced 记者 经理 护士 警察 售货员 科学家 歌星 教师 老师 服务员 旅行社 工人 工作经验 公司 工厂 找工作 介绍 赚钱 工资 兼职 每星期 / 每周 零花钱/零用钱 工作时间 有趣 容易 难 休息 经验 有经验 記者 經理 護士 警察 售貨員 科學家 歌星 教師 老師 服務員 旅行社 工人 工作經驗 公司 工廠 找工作 介紹 賺錢 工資 兼職 每星期 / 每週 零花錢/零用錢 工作時間 有趣 容易 難 休息 經驗 有經驗 Work and work experience- Higher English Cook / chef confidence independent future Helpful pressure training success successful Simplified 厨师 信心 独立 将来 有帮助 压力 训练 成功 Traditional 厨師 信心 獨立 將來 有幫助 壓力 訓練 成功 Section 3 Speaking and Writing Section 3. 1 Media and culture Music/film/reading- Foundation English (television) programme actor / actress advert (on TV) book CD (compact disc) cinema concert film library music news newspaper performance radio reading Singer song television ticket to listen to to read to watch TV Simplified (电视)节目 演员 电视广告 书 CD 电影院 音乐会 电影 图书馆 音乐 新闻 报纸 表演 / 演出 收音机 看书 歌星 歌 电视 票 听 读 看电视 Traditional (電視)節目 演員 電視廣告 書 CD 電影院 音樂會 電影 圖書館 音樂 新聞 報紙 表演 / 演出 收音機 看書 歌星 歌 電視 票 聽 讀 看電視 Music/film/reading- Higher English character (in a play/book) fashionable, trendy Magazine Novel play (theatre) pop music to download music Viewer Simplified 人物 流行 / 时尚 杂志 小说 戏剧 流行音乐 下载音乐 观众 Traditional 人物 流行 / 時尚 雜誌 小說 戲劇 流行音樂 下載音樂 觀衆 Fashion/celebrities/religion- Foundation English actor band, group cathedral chapel church celebration celebrity Christmas clothes, clothing coat Famous fashion glasses God handbag holiday religion shoe singer skirt sportsman stadium sweater, jumper to celebrate to get married trainers trousers Simplified 演员 队 / 团 (乐队/合唱团) 教堂 庆祝 名人 圣诞节 衣服 大衣 有名 / 闻名 流行 眼镜 神 手袋 假期 宗教 鞋 歌星 群子 运动员 体育馆 毛衣 庆祝 结婚 运动鞋 裤子 Traditional 演員 隊 / 團 (樂隊/合唱團) 教堂 慶祝 名人 聖誕節 衣服 大衣 有名 / 聞名 流行 眼鏡 神 手袋 假期 宗教 鞋 歌星 群子 運動員 體育館 毛衣 慶祝 結婚 運動鞋 褲子 Fashion/celebrities/religion- Higher English band, group chic, smart designer fashion Easter fashion theatre to put on make-up to try on world famous Simplified 队 / 团 (乐队/合唱团) 帅, 棒 名牌 复活节 流行/时尚 剧院 化妆 试穿 / 试试 世界闻名(有名/知名) Traditional 隊 / 團 (樂隊/合唱團) 帥, 棒 名牌 復活節 流行/時尚 劇院 化妝 試穿 / 試試 世界聞名(有名/知名) Blogs/internet- Foundation English computer e-mail mobile (phone) opinion poll/survey password text message to chat (online, on MSN etc) to download to surf online to text, virus webpage website Simplified 计算机 电子邮件 手机 (意见) 调查 密码 短信 (网上)聊天 下载 上网 发短信 病毒 网页 网址 Traditional 電腦 電子郵件 手機 (意見) 調查 密碼 短信 (網上)聊天 下載 上網 發短信 病毒 網頁 網址 Blogs/internet- Higher English blog chatrooms internet keyboard online opinion poll/survey password screen to download virus Simplified 博客 聊天室 互联网 键盘 在线 (意见) 调查 口令 / 密码 屏幕 下载 病毒 Traditional 博客 聊天室 互聯網 鍵盤 在綫 (意見) 調查 口令 / 密碼 螢幕 下載 病毒 Speaking and Writing Section 3. 2 Sports and Leisure Hobbies/interests- Foundation English hobbies pet cat dog bird programme performance (to) dance To sing, singing to go shopping reading watch movies watch television To do sports cycling library play ball game (tennis, basketball…) (play)badminton (play)football (play)tennis running, jogging swimming computer Computer game electronic game to surf the internet Concert To listen to music Competition / matches (watch) Competition / match Festival celebrate New Year Simplified 爱好 宠物 猫 狗 鸟 节目 表演 / 演出 跳舞 唱歌 买东西 (购物) 看书 看电影 看电视 做运动 骑自行车/单车 图书馆 打球 (打)羽毛球 (踢)足球 (打)网球 跑步 游泳 电脑 电脑游戏 电子游戏 上网 音乐会 听音乐 比赛 (看)比赛 节日 庆祝 新年 Traditional 愛好 寵物 貓 狗 鳥 節目 表演 / 演出 跳舞 唱歌 買東西 (購物) 看書 看電影 看電視 做運動 騎自行車(單車) 圖書館 打球 (打)羽毛球 (踢)足球 (打)網球 跑步 游泳 電腦 電腦游戲 電子游戲 上網 音樂會 聽音樂 比賽 (看)比賽 節日 慶祝 新年 Spring Festival / Chinese New Year Christmas Dragon dance 春节 / 中国新年 圣诞节 舞龙 聖誕節 舞龍 春節 / 中國新年 Hobbies/interests- Higher English Reading newspaper (play)basketball (play)table tennis skiing magazine to chat, natter novel mobile phone museum To text message to exercise, to do gymnastics gym Team (eg football team) Take part Band (music) enjoyment, pleasure free of charge, for nothing To act (play on stage) to rest, relax Lion dance Simplified 看报纸 (打)篮球 (打)乒乓球 滑雪 杂志 聊天 小说 手机 博物馆 发短信 健身 健身室 队 (足球队) 参加 队 (乐队) 享受, 快乐 免费 演戏 休息 舞狮 Traditional 看報紙 (打)籃球 (打)乒乓球 滑雪 雜志 聊天 小說 手機 博物館 發短信 健身 健身室 隊 (足球隊) 參加 隊 (樂隊) 享受, 快樂 免費 演戲 休息 舞獅 Sporting events- Foundation English Match, competition Match (ball games) First (winning the game) spectator stadium team to score a goal to take part Simplified 比赛 球赛 第一 观众 体育馆 队 (球队) 进球 (入球) 参加 Traditional 比賽 球賽 第一 觀衆 體育館 隊 (球隊) 進球 (入球) 參加 Sporting Events- Higher English champion final international tournament referee Simplified 冠军 决赛 国际 锦标赛 球证 Traditional 冠軍 决賽 國際 錦標賽 球證 Lifestyle choices- Foundation English to have/eat breakfast To eat To drink Rice (boiled, cooked) Chips Fast food Snack Delicious vegetables Fruit Health / healthy Meat Fish Drink water Coffee Wine Sleep do sport / exercise Take a break, rest Play ball game(s) Play football Running, jogging walk To drive unhealthy Simplified 吃早餐 吃 喝 饭 薯条 快餐 点心 好吃 青菜 水果 健康 肉 鱼 喝水 喝咖啡 喝酒 睡觉 做运动 休息 打球 踢足球 跑步 走路 开车 不健康 Traditional 吃早餐 吃 喝 飯 薯條 快餐 點心 好吃 青菜 水果 健康 肉 魚 喝水 喝咖啡 喝酒 睡覺 做運動 休息 打球 踢足球 跑步 走路 開車 不健康 Lifestyle choices- Higher English alcoholic drinks Simplified 酒 Traditional 酒 drug(s) fatty, greasy Fried habits having aches (eg - head) roast recycling obesity salty stress sweet Sweets take medicine tired To smoke, smoking 毒品 油 / 油腻 炒 习惯 痛 (头痛) 烤 废品回收 肥胖 咸 压力 甜 糖果 吃药 累 吸烟 油 / 油膩 炒 習慣 痛 (頭痛) 烤 廢品回收 肥胖 鹹 壓力 甜 糖果 吃藥 累 吸煙 毒品 Speaking and Writing Section 3. 3 Travel and tourism Holidays- Foundation English Beijing Shanghai holiday Tourism, tourist City / town centre Take a plane By car Train Underground bus the Great Wall zoo Panda to book, reserve luggage hotel park to view, to visit (place, museum etc) museum Flowers Trees Scenery Beautiful Clean Fun take photos shop Shopping Present, gift Weather Sun Raining Cold Hot Simplified 北京 上海 假期 旅游 游客 市中心 坐飞机 坐车 火车 地铁 公共汽车 长城 动物园 熊猫 订(房, 票) 行李 住(酒店) 公园 参观 博物馆 花 树 风景 漂亮 干净 好玩 照相 商店 买东西 (购物) 礼物 天气 太阳 下雨 冷 热 Traditional 北京 上海 假期 旅遊 遊客 市中心 坐飛機 坐車 火車 地鐵 公共汽車 長城 動物園 熊猫 訂(房, 票) 行李 住(酒店) 公園 參觀 博物館 花 樹 風景 漂亮 乾淨 好玩 照相 商店 買東西 (購物) 禮物 天氣 太陽 下雨 冷 熱 Seaside River Family (members) Friend cycling Play tennis Play football To Watch a match (of ball game) Watch movie To swim Swimming pool Skiing perform concert postcard New Year Christmas Summer holiday Summer Winter to arrive, arrival to leave, departure happy 海边 河 家人 朋友 骑自行车 (单车) 打网球 踢足球 看球赛 看电影 游泳 游泳池 滑雪 表演 / 演出 音乐会 明信片 新年 圣诞节 暑假 夏天 冬天 到 (到达) 离开 快乐 河 家人 朋友 騎自行車 (單車) 打網球 踢足球 看球賽 看電影 游泳 游泳池 滑雪 表演 / 演出 音樂會 明信片 新年 耶誕節 暑假 夏天 冬天 到 (到達) 離開 快樂 海邊 Holidays- Higher English Activity Air conditioning By boat Coach Famous spots lake church, chapel, cathedral temple Tiananmen Square traffic Shopping centre Souvenir expensive cheap Well known, famous Simplified 活动 空调 坐船 旅游车 名胜 湖 教堂 庙 天安门广场 交通 购物中心 纪念品 贵 便宜 闻名 (有名) Traditional 活動 空調 坐船 旅遊車 名勝 湖 教堂 廟 天安門廣場 交通 購物中心 紀念品 貴 便宜 聞名 (有名) London Europe 伦敦 欧洲 歐洲 倫敦 Accommodation- Foundation English accommodation arrival bathroom double room floor (1st, 2nd) hotel luggage overnight stay Reception, service desk Receptionist, attendant rent room single room to arrive to book, reserve toilet Simplified 住宿 到 (到达) 浴室 双人房 层 / 楼 (一, 二…. 层/楼) 酒店 行李 住一晚 服务台 服务员 租 房间 单人房 到 订 厕所 Traditional 住宿 到 (到達) 浴室 雙人房 層 / 樓 (一, 二…. 層/樓) 酒店 行李 住一晚 服務台 服務員 租 房間 單人房 到 訂 厠所 Accommodation- Higher English air conditioning cheap, value for money Service (good / bad) stay Simplified 空调 便宜 服务 (好, 很好/ 不好) 住 Traditional 空調 便宜 服務 (好, 很好/ 不好) 住 Eating, food, drink- Foundation English restaurant breakfast lunch evening meal, dinner, supper To drink To eat (cooked/boiled) rice bread noodle Simplified 餐厅 早饭/早餐 午饭/午餐 晚饭/晚餐 喝 吃 饭 面包 面/面条 Traditional 餐廳 早飯/早餐 午飯/午餐 晚飯/晚餐 喝 吃 飯 麵包 麵/麵條 to cook, prepare a meal meat chicken fish beef egg roast vegetable fruit fruit juice milk tea water soft drinks coffee wine cake moon cake rice dumpling chopsticks delicious Favourite healthy 做饭 肉 鸡 鱼 牛肉 蛋 (鸡蛋) 烤 青菜 水果 果汁 牛奶 茶 水 汽水 咖啡 酒 蛋糕 月饼 粽子 筷子 好吃 喜欢 健康 做飯 肉 鶏 魚 牛肉 蛋 (鶏蛋) 烤 青菜 水果 果汁 牛奶 茶 水 汽水 咖啡 酒 蛋糕 月餅 粽子 筷子 好吃 喜歡 健康 Eating, food, drink- Higher English to cook, prepare a meal duck fried fried rice pork egg roast soup coffee wine dumpling snack Knife and fork Sweet salty Simplified 做饭 鸭 炒 炒饭 猪肉 蛋 (鸡蛋) 烤 汤 咖啡 酒 饺子 点心 刀叉 甜 咸 Traditional 做飯 鴨 炒 炒飯 豬肉 蛋 (鶏蛋) 烤 湯 咖啡 酒 餃子 點心 刀叉 甜 鹹 Fatty, greasy hungry full 油 / 油腻 饿 饱 餓 飽 油 / 油膩 Speaking and Writing Section 3. 4 Business, work and employment Work experience/ part time jobs- Foundation English Job, work actor/actress Business/trade doctor journalist manager nurse Sale assistant singer teacher (title) Waiter/waitress/attendant travel agency worker Work experience company factory take away restaurant fast food restaurant introduce To earn money Per week Working hour busy fun easy hard break, rest experience experienced future to learn Simplified 工作 演员 做生意 医生 记者 经理 护士 售货员 歌星 老师 服务员 旅行社 工人 工作经验 公司 工厂 外卖店 快餐店 介绍 赚钱 每星期 / 每周 工作时间 忙 有趣 容易 难 休息 经验 有经验 将来 学 Traditional 工作 演員 做生意 醫生 記者 經理 護士 售貨員 歌星 老師 服務員 旅行社 工人 工作經驗 公司 工廠 外賣店 快餐店 介紹 賺錢 每星期 / 每週 工作時間 忙 有趣 容易 難 休息 經驗 有經驗 將來 學 Work experience/part time jobs- Higher English Cook / chef Simplified 厨师 Traditional 厨師 engineer teacher (occupation) colleague introduce To earn money To apply interview Part time Pocket money fun easy hard break, rest confidence experience Helpful plan pressure training Success, successful Per day / hour 工程师 教师 同事 介绍 赚钱 申请 面试 兼职 零花钱/零用钱 有趣 容易 难 休息 信心 经验 有帮助 计划 压力 训练 成功 每天/ 每小时 工程師 教師 同事 介紹 賺錢 申請 面試 兼職 零花錢/零用錢 有趣 容易 難 休息 信心 經驗 有幫助 計劃 壓力 訓練 成功 每天/ 每小時 Product or service information- Foundation English broken customer damage mistake reduction service to deliver to pay to repair to replace Simplified 破, 破的, 破了 顾客 坏的 / 坏了 错 减价 服务 送 付钱 修理 换 Traditional 破, 破的, 破了 顧客 壞的 / 壞了 錯 減價 服務 送 付錢 修理 換 Product or service information- Higher English complaint not satisfied Simplified 投诉 不满意 Traditional 投訴 不滿意.

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2019. Jennifer Ehle. . UK. ratings: 7,3 of 10. Rose Glass. Exterior shots filmed in Scarborough, North Yorkshire. Saint Maud free online casino. Jajajajja pura mamada. Saint Maud Directed by Rose Glass Produced by Andrea Cornwell Oliver Kassman Written by Rose Glass Starring Morfydd Clark Jennifer Ehle Music by Adam Janota Bzowski Cinematography Ben Fordesman Edited by Mark Towns Production companies Escape Plan Productions Film4 Productions British Film Institute Distributed by StudioCanal Release date 8 September 2019 ( TIFF) 10 April 2020 (US) 1 May 2020 (UK) Running time 83 minutes [1] Country United Kingdom Language English Saint Maud is a 2019 British psychological horror film written and directed by Rose Glass in her feature directorial debut. The story follows hospice nurse Maud (portrayed by Morfydd Clark), a recent convert to Roman Catholicism who fears that she may be possessed when she becomes infatuated with a former dancer in her care ( Jennifer Ehle). It had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on 8 September 2019. It is scheduled to be released in the United Kingdom on 1 May 2020 by StudioCanal. Cast [ edit] Morfydd Clark as Maud Jennifer Ehle as Amanda Lily Knight as Joy Lily Frazer as Carol Turlough Convery as Christian Rosie Sansom as Ester Marcus Hutton as Richard Carl Prekopp as Homeless Pat Noa Bodner as Hilary Production [ edit] The film was developed by Escape Plan Productions with funding from Film4. In November 2018, it was announced Clark and Ehle had joined the cast of the film, with Glass directing from her own screenplay. [2] The film was fully financed by Film4 Productions and the British Film Institute. Release [ edit] The film had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on 8 September 2019. [3] [4] Shortly after, A24 acquired U. S. and StudioCanal U. K. distribution rights to the film. [5] [6] It also screened at Fantastic Fest on 19 September 2019, [7] and the BFI London Film Festival on 5 October 2019. [8] The film went on to receive a Special Commendation in the Official Competition section of the London Film Festival, with the jury president, Wash Westmoreland, saying “This dazzling directorial debut marks the emergence of a powerful new voice in British cinema. ” [9] It is scheduled to be released in the United States on 10 April 2020, [10] and the United Kingdom on 1 May 2020. [11] Reception [ edit] Awarding Glass the IWC film bursary, the director Danny Boyle described Saint Maud as "a genuinely unsettling and intriguing film. Striking, affecting and mordantly funny at times, its confidence evokes the ecstasy of films like Carrie, The Exorcist, and Jonathan Glazer’s Under the Skin. " [12] Katie Rife of The A. V. Club gave the film a grade of "B+", saying that the finale was shocking. [13] The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reports that 92% of critics have given the film a positive review based on 22 reviews, with an average rating of 7. 87/10. The site's critics consensus reads: "A brilliantly unsettling blend of body horror and psychological thriller, Saint Maud marks an impressive debut for writer-director Rose Glass. " [14] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 76 out of 100 based on 5 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". [15] References [ edit] ^ "Saint Maud". Toronto International Film Festival. Retrieved 19 September 2019. ^ "Rose Glass' Saint Maud starring Morfydd Clark & Jennifer Ehle starts shooting". Channel 4. 19 November 2018. Retrieved 19 September 2019. ^ Erbland, Kate (8 August 2019). "TIFF 2019 Announces Docs and Midnight Madness Slates, With Films From Alex Gibney and Takashi Miike". IndieWire. Retrieved 19 September 2019. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (16 September 2019). "A24 Picks Up TIFF Midnight Madness Pic 'Saint Maud ' ". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved 19 September 2019. ^ Wiseman, Andreas (20 September 2019). "Toronto Hit 'Saint Maud' Closes UK & France Deals For Protagonist". Retrieved 20 September 2019. ^ "Saint Maud". Fantastic Fest. Retrieved 19 September 2019. ^ "Saint Maud". BFI London Film Festival. Retrieved 19 September 2019. ^ "Monos, Atlantics and White Riot among prize winners at LFF 2019". What's Worth Seeing. 12 October 2019. Retrieved 13 October 2019. ^ Lattanzio, Ryan (December 17, 2019). " ' Saint Maud' Trailer: A24's Latest Horror Evokes 'The Exorcist, ' 'Carrie, ' and 'Under the Skin ' ". Retrieved December 17, 2019. ^ "Saint Maud". Launching Films. Retrieved December 17, 2019. ^ "Saint Maud Director Rose Glass wins £50, 000 film bursary". 1 October 2019. Retrieved 1 October 2019. ^ Rife, Katie (October 2, 2019). "Celebrated Auteurs, Freddy Krueger Drag, and Exploding Eyeballs: The Best of Fantastic Fest 2019". The A. Club. Retrieved December 17, 2019. ^ "Saint Maud (2020)". Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango. Retrieved 22 December 2019. ^ "Saint Maud Reviews". Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved 22 December 2019. External links [ edit] Official website Saint Maud on IMDb Saint Maud at Rotten Tomatoes Saint Maud at Metacritic.

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Director - Richard Stanley

Nicolas Cage


country - USA, Malaysia

Writer - H.P. Lovecraft

Esse não é só meu conto favorito do Lovecraft como da vida. É incrivel o que ele faz com a imaginação, fiquei dias pensando sobre. Recentemente li um conto do King que me fez ter uma sensação semelhante, se chama 1922. Está no livro Escuridão total sem estrelas. Recomendo. A Cor que Caiu do Espaço g. A Cor que Caiu do espace. I had some expectations to this Lovecraft adaptation. But it is just boring and lame acting, boring and lame directing, boring and lame movie.
Nothing happens until half way into the movie.
And what happens, is the boy in the familiy, whistling in front of a well, when a colorfull bug suddenly crawls up from the well. Poor CGI by the way, and then again nothing. A lot of talking and no action.
This is no horror and no Sci-fi. This is crap.


A Cor que Caiu do Espaço.e. A cor que caiu do espaço resumo.

A cor que caiu do espa c3 a7o pubg

2:10 o homem invisível tá entortando o braço do seu barriga. MAIS CONTOS DO H.P. LOVECRAFT, POR FAVOR! A MAIORIA É FODA DEMAIS! adoro os contos dele.


A cor que caiu do espaço nicolas cage. UM DOS MELHORES FILMES QUE EU JÁ VI NA VIDA! É o tipo de filme que, quando acaba, sua mente não desliga dele, você entra em uma profunda reflexão. Denso, impressionante e impactante! Aborda a diferença de classes sociais numa mescla de comédia, drama, suspense e terror com a importância que o tema merece, com um magnífico roteiro e direção estupenda! Merecedor de todos os Oscar ganhos, aplaudi de pé! OBRA PRIMA! BRAVO! 👏👏👏.

If you are going to make a dumb movie you should at least make use of Cage's assets effectively. O novo concurso Banco do Brasil terá seu edital publicado até o mês de março. A oferta de vagas ainda não foi revelada, mas o certame já conta inclusive com banca organizadora definida! O cargo será de Escriturário, com requisito de nível médio. Comece a se preparar desde já com a Nova Concursos e garanta a sua vaga.  Vamos lá! Escriturário do Banco do Brasil O cargo é considerado a porta de entrada nos concursos bancários. O salário é um dos inúmeros atrativos, sendo R$ 4. 036, 56 para uma jornada de 30 horas semanais. O Escriturário é o responsável pela comercialização dos produtos e serviços do Banco do Brasil, atendimento ao público, atuação no caixa, dentre outras atribuições. O que cai na prova do concurso Banco do Brasil? O último concurso BB contou com duas etapas de avaliação: uma prova objetiva e uma prova discursiva, realizadas no mesmo dia, com duração de 5 horas. A prova objetiva era composta de 70 questões, sendo 20 de Conhecimentos Básicos e outras 50 de Conhecimentos Específicos. A estrutura da prova era a seguinte: Conhecimentos Básicos Língua Portuguesa (5 questões com peso 1); Língua Inglesa (5 questões com peso 1); Matemática (5 questões com peso 2); Atualidades do Mercado Financeiro (5 questões com peso 1). Conhecimentos Específico Probabilidade e Estatística (20 questões com peso 1, 5); Conhecimentos Bancários (5 questões com peso 1, 5); Conhecimentos de Informática (25 questões com peso 1, 5). Quais as matérias mais importantes? A matéria com mais relevância no edital é Conhecimentos de Informática, com 25 de questões, o maior quantitativo da prova e com maior peso, totalizando 37, 5 pontos de um total de 100. Logo após, Probabilidade e Estatística, com 20 questões e o mesmo peso, atribuindo 30 pontos na avaliação. De praxe ainda temos Matemática, valendo 10 pontos e Conhecimentos Bancários, com 7, 5 pontos. O restante está distribuído entre Língua Portuguesa, Língua Inglesa e Atualidades do Mercado Financeiro, com 5 pontos cada. Crie o seu cronograma de estudos Há diferentes tipos de concuseiros, mas na hora de estudar todos devem possuir uma boa organização dos horários e matérias. Do contrário, você estará desperdiçando tempo numa preparação sem foco. Conheça algumas dicas que ajudar a criar um cronograma de estudos! Tempo de estudos Se você se dedica exclusivamente aos estudos, deve estudar 6 ou 7 horas por dia de segunda a sábado, fazendo um total de 42h por semana. Se você faz faculdade e estuda para concurso, terá que estudar no mínimo 5 ou 6 horas na semana, o que dará um total de 30 horas, você pode compensar a diferença nos finais de semana. Para quem trabalha e estuda, será da mesma forma anterior, a diferença é que o seu trabalho pode te consumir até 8h por dia, o que levará você a estudar mais aos fins de semana. Uma boa dica é: Estude as matérias mais interessantes para você quando estiver cansado ou com sono. Nunca estude uma matéria entediante nessas condições, não vai adiantar. Confira o conteúdo programático do último concurso Banco do Brasil Língua Portuguesa: Emprego do acento indicativo de crase; Concordância verbal e nominal; Regência verbal e nominal; Colocação pronominal dos pronomes oblíquos átonos (próclise, mesóclise e ênclise); Emprego dos sinais indicativos de pontuação: vírgula, ponto, ponto e vírgula, dois-pontos, reticências, aspas, travessão e parênteses. Língua Inglesa: Conhecimento de um vocabulário fundamental e dos aspectos gramaticais básicos para a interpretação de textos técnicos. Matemática: Lógica proposicional; Noções de conjuntos; Relações e funções; Funções polinomiais; Funções exponenciais e logarítmicas; Matrizes; Determinantes; Sistemas lineares; Sequências; Progressões aritméticas e progressões geométricas; Matemática financeira. Atualidades do Mercado Financeiro: Sistema Financeiro Nacional. Dinâmica do mercado. Mercado bancário. Probabilidade e Estatística: Análise combinatória; Noções de probabilidade; Teorema de Bayes; Probabilidade condicional; Noções de estatística; População e amostra; Análise e interpretação de tabelas e gráficos; Regressão, tendências, extrapolações e interpolações; Tabelas de distribuição empírica de variáveis e histogramas; Estatística descritiva (média, mediana, variância, desvio padrão, percentis, quartis, outliers, covariância). Conhecimentos Bancários: Estrutura do Sistema Financeiro Nacional: Conselho Monetário Nacional; COPOM – Comitê de Política Monetária. Banco Central do Brasil; Comissão de Valores Mobiliários. Produtos Bancários: Noções de cartões de crédito e débito, crédito direto ao consumidor, crédito rural, caderneta de poupança, capitalização, previdência, investimentos e seguros. Noções de Mercado de capitais. Noções de Mercado Câmbio: Instituições autorizadas a operar e operações básicas. Garantias do Sistema Financeiro Nacional: aval; fiança; penhor mercantil; alienação fiduciária; hipoteca; fianças bancárias. Crime de lavagem de dinheiro: conceito e etapas. Prevenção e combate ao crime de lavagem de dinheiro: Lei nº 9. 613/98 e suas alterações, Circular Bacen 3. 461/2009 e suas alterações e Carta-Circular Bacen 3. 542/12. Autorregulação Bancária. Conhecimentos de Informática: Linguagens de programação: Java (SE 8 e EE 7), Phyton 3. 6, JavaScript/EcmaScript 6, Scala 2. 12 e Pig 0. 16; Estruturas de dados e algoritmos: busca sequencial e busca binária sobre arrays, ordenação (métodos da bolha, ordenação por seleção, ordenação por inserção, lista encadeada, pilha, fila, noções sobre árvore binária), noções de algoritmos de aprendizado supervisionados e não supervisionados; Banco de dados: conceitos de banco de dados e sistemas gerenciadores de bancos de dados (SGBD), modelagem conceitual de dados (a abordagem entidaderelacionamento), modelo relacional de dados (conceitos básicos, normalização), banco de dados SQL (linguagem SQL (SQL2008), linguagem HiveQL (Hive 2. 2. 0)), banco de dados NoSQL (conceitos básicos, bancos orientados a grafos, colunas, chave/valor e documentos), data Warehouse (modelagem conceitual para data warehouses, dados multidimensionais); Tecnologias web: HTML 5, CSS 3, XML 1. 1, Json (ECMA-404), 1. 6. x, 6. 11. 3, REST; Manipulação e visualização de dados: linguagem R 3. 4. 2 e R Studio 5. 1, OLAP, MS Excel 2013; Sistema de arquivos e ingestão de dados: conceitos de MapReduce, HDFS/Hadoop/YARN 2. 7. 4, Ferramentas de ingestão de dados (Sqoop 1. 6, Flume 1. 0, NiFi 1. 3. 0 e Kafka 0. 0). Saiba mais sobre o Concurso Banco do Brasil: Edital para Escriturário em março! BAIXE GRÁTIS PDF com Previsões para 2020 + Cronograma de Estudos + Aulas para começar HOJE Acompanhe nossas redes sociais Facebook Youtube Instagram.

O melhor conto. A cor que caiu do espaço pdf. A cor que caiu do espaço crítica. Quero muito participar do sorteio, por favor, por favor, por favor. A Cor que Caiu do Espaço.k. A cor que caiu do espaço online. A Cor que Caiu do español español. Not for the faint of heart, Color Out of Space is a true Lovecraftian horror placing Nicolas Cage at his bizarre best. Do not, under any circumstance, watch this movie on drugs. Or maybe, ONLY watch this movie on drugs. Either way, make sure you experience the insanity for yourself.

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Writed by Joe Shrapnel; Duration 1h, 42 Min; Seberg is a movie starring Kristen Stewart, Yvan Attal, and Gabriel Sky. Inspired by real events in the life of French New Wave icon Jean Seberg. In the late 1960s, Hoover's FBI targeted her because of her political and romantic; score 881 Votes; 2019; USA, UK. Download torrent seberg movie. Download torrent seberg software. BitTorrent is a popular peer-to-peer file-sharing tool. It has been designed to download and upload large files. It is the ideal tool for sharing large files such as films, software, games, music, video, document and so on quickly and incognito with other peers. When downloading a file, it splits it into several parts and does not go through a central server. It comes along with a schedule that allows you to decide when and how to download and share files. It can download multiple files simultaneously. Thanks to BitTorrent DNA, a content delivery service that ensures faithful content delivery, download is performed in a wink. BitTorrent has an uncluttered and user-friendly interface that displays download and upload speed, file size, file name, progress, seeds, and peers. This software integrates a search box allowing you to find torrents on the BitTorrent website. Video It is impossible to customize the interface. Statistics about download are limited.

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Download torrent supergirl complete season 1. Download torrent seberg youtube. Horrible acting. Highway to the danger zone was playing in my head the whole time during the trailer. Labrinth! 😍 😍Nice trailer! Even better music in the background! Labrinth - somethings got to give 😍😍😍. Download torrent seberg full.


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Download torrent seberg films. Download torrent seberg latest. Imagine Shia and Keanu Reevs interviewing each other. Download torrent seberg player. Is that Colm Meaney. If she doesn't win an oscar i swear to god. Download Torrent sebert.

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Threat level midnight 2: zero two twenty five dark o'clock. I used to study this type of activism and I am quite familiar with this story and its character.
This movie was trying to prostrate as it was positively event when the real story was nothing what that movie was made out to be. There is a lot of stories in this movie that needs to addressing to. I'll leave a few examples in here:
First of off, this lady was never had a romance with this Civil Rights activist.
Secondly, the FBI was not harassing her all because of hers political, nor because of hers involvement with Civil Rights, except it was because of her being involvement with a racist black group that was attempting to rob a several business and motivate to kill the enforcement.
Lastly, this lady was arrested for treason, publicity destruction, hatred, and harassing the soldiers whose return from Vietnam.
This movie needs to re-fix with fact-checking, instead of doing it to supports the propaganda.
I'll give it a 10 star once they fix it, but I know they won't.
(EDIT: Do some research instead of clicking dislikes all because you are offended by it...

He's a good interviewer. He was so focused and listening to her, and he didn't try to talk about himself much. 📽Audience REACTIONS at its North American PREMIERE:
😄😄(2 laughs)
😢(1 possible cry)
🤓(learn about true events)
Seberg (Benedict Andrews) is an affair drama which is an interpretation of a real story. Combining the lead character's professional and personal roles, it explores her personal and relational lives.
Kristen Stewart gives a slightly contrite performance and she seems to have been once again typecast. Thankfully, the supporting cast are there with good performances to make up for the lack of personal connection with the main character. Unfortunately the excellent costume design is not enough to carry the film and will likely be overlooked.
Speaking after a screening at TIFF, the director explained the film is really a story of voyeurism; the addiction and danger of the watcher and watched. Even so, the excitement of surveillance is lost on an emotional contrived performance.

Oh Its Ellen Degeneres. Download torrent seberg sites. Jean seberg is one of the most beautiful women i have yet to see. i would kill to look like her! i find the interviewer quite irritating. i understand she's doing her job but she doesn't have very much tact. Download torrent supergirl complete season. Download torrent supergirl complete season 4. Download torrent supergirl season 3 tv. Download Torrent sénergues. Download torrent seberg version. Download torrent seberg torrent. Download torrent seberg mp3. Craig: I'l never play Bond again Franchise: Never Say Never Again.

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Writer: Carlotta Films

Biography: CARLOTTA FILMS est distributeur en salles et éditeur en DVD, Blu-ray et VOD de films de patrimoine du monde entier. Rejoignez-nous sur Twitter, FB & Instagram !


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Country China / genre Comedy, Action / runtime 136 m / directed by Sicheng Chen / 2020. 一年裡最期待的日子. 下任特首~劉德華👏👏👏😆😆. 영화상세 본문 영화 메인 탭 당인가탐안 2 (2018) Detective Chinatown 2, 唐人街探案2 평점 3. 6 /10 장르|나라 코미디/액션/미스터리 중국 개봉 | 영화시간/타입/나라 120분 감독 (감독) 진사성 주연 (주연) 왕바오창, 류호연 누적관객 더 보기 내평점 평점 및 감상평 등록폼 평점입력 0점 0. 0 점 등록 완료! 영화를 어떻게 보셨나요? 현재 입력 바이트 / 입력 가능 바이트 400 서비스 이용정보 위 내용에 대한 저작권 및 법적 책임은 자료제공사 또는 글쓴이에 있으며, Kakao의 입장과 다를 수 있습니다. Copyright © Kakao Corp. All rights reserved.

Detective chinatown 3 showtimes near me. They even used the same mall from stranger things... Detective chinatown 3 singapore. Detective chinatown 3 north america. 好期待好期待( ❦ω❦. The Ancient One was born without a gender. The Ancient One learned to alter one's self anatomy, as well as forming a new body from spiritual energy. Chinese title (trad. ): 唐人街探案3 Chinese title (simpl. ): Russian title: Детектив из Чайнатауна 3 Language: mandarin, japanese Ratings Your rating Part of franchise * Budget & boxoffice * China box office: $1 717 507 Movie crew Actors Recommend movies similar to "Detective Chinatown 3" Recommendations * Don’t rate the movie, rate how similar it is to chosen one.

简介: 唐仁为巨额奖金欺骗秦风到纽约参加世界名侦探大赛,然而随着和世界各国侦探们啼笑皆非的较量,两人却发现了隐藏在这次挑战背后的更大秘密。. Detective chinatown 3 showtime. Detective chinatown 3 canada. Detective chinatown 3 nyc. Detective chinatown 3 song. Lol c'mon guys we all know its not her first time on camera 😆 oh yeah and KC should be changed to Kracy. Detective chinatown 3 showtimes. Detective Chinatown 3.6. Detective chinatown 3 2020. Detective chinatown 3 movie. Detective chinatown 3 andy lau. Искренний рейтинг лучших фильмов — всегда солянка. И хотя у выбранных нами фильмов мало общего, каждый из этой шестерки стал важным явлением китайской киноиндустрии в 2018 году: одни оказались в рейтинге благодаря кассовым сборам, другие — благодаря резонансу в культурной жизни страны. Но мы уверены, что хотя бы одна из этих кинолент придется вам по вкусу. Смотрим? Вечно молодые | 无问西东

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Reporter: Transparency Ireland
Bio: TI Ireland is the Irish chapter of the worldwide movement against corruption. Operates Ireland's independent helpline for whistleblowers: 1800 844 866

Resume: In Mexico City's wealthiest neighborhoods, the Ochoa family runs a for-profit ambulance, competing with other unlicensed EMTs for patients in need of urgent care. In this cutthroat industry, they struggle to keep their financial needs from compromising the people in their care; genre: Crime, Action; Directors: Luke Lorentzen; ; audience score: 394 vote; runtime: 1 Hours 21 Min.

They don't provide essential emergency care. They respond to emergency services UNCALLED, thanks to a corruption network with the police. When they arrive they charge enormous amounts of money to the dying patients and then pressure them to be transported to private hospitals that are as well fraudulent and death clinics. These are not the heroes of the Mexican emergency medical service. They are a plague. The professional EMS workers struggle with this kind of people as they are not even EMTs. Don't be confused by the tone of this documental this is the scum of our system.

This movie was a masterpiece... I cried and I laughed, thanks to the director for such gift. Those girls look like a painting fr. Lithgow is alway a great performance, too bad the premise of the film shames preppers ‘ under a cloak of “ the moral of the story is really not to let life pass you by while thinking about tomorrow “ and simultaneously putting You in the FEMA line for some famtldahyde temp trailer under the warm loving arms of. Shut the door, I broke 😂. I wish I saw this trailer 7 years ago when I was arguing about Berenstain Bears.

I think of Daddys home 2 and this shows up

“CLAMPS? ” Lol. 1:47 belíssima cena. Aliás o filme é lindo. todas as cenas são belíssimas, simbólicas, intensas. Uma obra prima. Ese pinche Lucas no sirve para ambulancia eeeh 😂😂😂 ayyy no puedooo. Was waiting for Rob Schneider to pop out halfway through. From the Philippines, I didn't expect that they will distribute this movie here this early but as soon as I heard the news I scrambled to cinema and now just finished watching it tonight. I am still in awe with this beautifully magnificent film. How the characters attraction meticulously unfold. No dull moment with the writing. No doubt this won Best Screenplay in Cannes. This should be a poster movie of how a love story between two women should be portrayed. Extraordinary. Ps. kinda spoilers: i have to get this one out, i dont think i cant think of anything else but this: even i already know how it ends, i was still rooting for it to be the alternate on my mind, that last scene was so fucking intense dont you agree, just beautiful.

I know so many people adore this run and everything about it and there is plenty to love. But I can't believe BIZARRO THE CHILD ABUSER isn't spoken alongside Roy Harper high on drugs mistakes a dead cat for his dead daugther as laughably edglordy dumbshittery. As was doing a sequel to Multiversity just to kill of a gay in the exact same way the original story made you think he was gonna die. Always awesome. tyronemagnus.

Published on May 30, 2019 Public ambulances are scarce in Mexico City. The employment-crisis offers few alternatives, so the Ochoa family spend most nights in their private ambulance listening for emergency signals, up against corrupt police and competing rescue squads. Under the lurid city lights, they race other vehicles to the scene, with the aim of delivering casualties to private hospitals – regardless of proximity. Directed by Luke Lorentzen. - Sheffield Doc/Fest is a world leading and the UK’s premier documentary festival, celebrating the art and business of documentary and all non-fiction storytelling. Operating in the heart of UK, we’re a hub for all documentary and non-fiction storytelling across all platforms, from feature length to shorts, and including interactive, augmented reality, and virtual reality projects. Visit our website:.

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Full Movie download at Filmywap, movierulz, Tamilrockers, putlockers, 123movies, =============================== WATCH HERE ►☛ DOWNLOAD HERE ►☛ Ever since hulking lawman Hobbs (Johnson), a loyal agent of America’s Diplomatic Security Service, and lawless outcast Shaw (Statham), a former British military elite operative, first faced off in 2015’s Furious 7, the duo have swapped smack talk and body blows as they’ve tried to take each other down. But when cyber-genetically enhanced anarchist Brixton (Idris Elba) gains control of an insidious bio-threat that could alter humanity forever — and bests a brilliant and fearless rogue MI6 agent (The Crown’s Vanessa Kirby), who just happens to be Shaw’s sister — these two sworn enemies will have to partner up to bring down the only guy who might be badder than themselves. Now Watch Midnight Family (2019) Online Full Or Free, discMaidensions had begun for a sequel to Spider-Maidenn: Homecoming, with a release date given to the film before the end of the year. Holland was confirmed to return in July 2017, with Watts and the writers also confirmed to return by the end of that year. In 2018, Jackson and Gyllenhaal joined the cast as Fury and Mysterio, respectively. Holland revealed the sequel’s title ahead of filming, which began in July 2018 and took place in England, the Czech Republic, Italy, and the New York metropolitan area. Production wrapped in October 2018. The film’s Maidenrketing campaign attempted to avoid revealing spoilers for Midnight Family prior to that film’s April 2019 release. Midnight Family premiered in Hollywood on June 27, 2019, fand was theatrically released in the United States on July 2, 2019, in 3D and IMaidenX. The film was positively reviewed for its humor, visual effects, and perforMaidennces (particularly Holland and Gyllenhaal). It has grossed $980 million worldwide, Maidenking it the most-successful Spider-Maidenn film and the fourth-highest-grossing film of 2019. A sequel is in development. Title: Midnight Family (2019) Release Date: 2019 Genres: Action, Animation, Science Fiction, Drama, Production Company: Toei AniMaidention, Fox International Productions, Shueisha, Fuji Television Network, Bandai Namco Entertainment Production Countries: English Casts: Maidensako Nozawa, Ryou Horikawa, Bin ShiMaidenda, RyMaidenei Nakao, Banjou Ginga, Katsuhisa Houki, Nana Mizuki, Naoko Watanabe, Kouichi YaMaidendera, Toshio Furukawa, Aya Hisakawa Plot Keywords: space battle, transforMaidention, resurrection, alien race, Movie Plot: Earth is peaceful following the Tournament of Power. Realizing that the universes still hold Maidenny more strong people yet to see, Goku spends all his days training to reach even greater heights. Then one day, Goku and Vegeta are faced by a Saiyan called ‘Broly’ who they’ve never seen before. The Saiyans were supposed to have been almost completely wiped out in the destruction of Planet Vegeta, so what’s this one doing on Earth? This encounter between the three Saiyans who have followed completely different destinies turns into a stupendoMaiden battle, with even Frieza (back from Hell) getting caught up in the mix. How long were you asleep during the Midnight Family (2019) Movie? ThemMaidenic, the story, and the message were phenomenal in Midnight Family (2019). I could never seeany other Movie five times like I didthis one. Go back and see it a second timeand pay attention. Watch Midnight Family (2019) Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly rippedfrom astreaming serMaiden (2019), such as Netflix, AMaidenzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. This is also a Movie or TV show downloaded viaan onlinedistribution website, such as iTunes. The quality is quite good sincethey arenot re-encoded. The video (H. 264 or H. 265) and audio (AC3/Midnight Family (2019) C)streams are Maidenually extracted from the iTunes or AMaidenzon Videoand then remuxedinto a MKV container without sacrificing wnloadMovie Midnight Family (2019) One ofthe Movie streaming indMaidentryslargest impacts has been onthe DVD indMaidentry, which effectively met its demisewith the Maidenss popularization of online rise of media streaming hascaMaidened the downfall of Maidenny DVD rental companiessuch as BlockbMaidenter. In July2015 an article from the New York Times publishedan article about NetflixsDVD serMaiden (2019) s. It stated that Netflix is continuingtheir DVD serMaiden (2019) s with 5. 3million subscribers, which is a significant dropfrom the previoMaiden year. On theother hand, their streaming serMaiden (2019) s have 65million members. In a Maidenrch 2016study assessing the Impact of Movie Streamingover traditional DVD MovieRental it was found that respondents do not purchaseDVD Movies nearly as muchanymore, if ever, as streaming has taken over the Movie Midnight Family (2019), viewers did not find Movie quality to besignificantlydifferent between DVD and online streaming. Issues thatrespondents believedneeded improvement with Movie streaming included functionsof fast forMidnight Familydingor rewinding, as well as search functions. The articlehighlights that thequality of Movie streaming as an indMaidentry will only increasein time, asadvertising revenue continues to soar on a yearly basis throughouttheindMaidentry, providing incentive for quality content production. 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LETS GET THREE! smashes wrist with Keith's breaks said wrist I laughed SOOOOOO hard and for much longer than usually necessary. I blame my cold. Oh, and I agree with the masses here. Please play Cards Against Humanity. On xmas day would be greeeeeeeeaaaaat. When a movie is so good that even a basketball player puts in a great performance. Well I no longer need to see this as the Trailer just showed the entire bloody movie. Oh yeah yeah. What the hell did I watch. Me encantan sus voces. magico. 3:39 I love how it takes Joe a couple of seconds to realize she said clamps😂😂.


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How long were you asleep during the MIDNIGHT FAMILY movie? The music, the story, and the message were phenomenal in MIDNIGHT FAMILY. I could never see any othermovie five times like I didthis one. Go back and see it a second timeand pay attention. Watch MIDNIGHT FAMILY Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslesslyripped from astreaming serMIDNIGHT FAMILY, such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. This is also a movie or TVshow downloaded via an onlinedistribution website, such as iTunes. Thequality is quite good since they arenot re-encoded. The video (H. 264 orH. 265) and audio (AC3/MIDNIGHT FAMILY C) streams are usually extracted from theiTunes or Amazon Videoand then remuxed into a MKV container withoutsacrificing wnloadMovie MIDNIGHT FAMILY One of the movie streamingindustry’slargest impacts has been onthe DVD industry, which effectivelymet its demisewith the mass popularization of online content. 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And believe you guys sneak out of the house at midnight youre gonna be grounded I think.



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Limited Partners Download torrent finder. Limited partners download torrent 2. Always be thankful 2019 and be like a boss positive to others all day everyday. Like a Boss Watch Online 2020 English Movie or HDrip Download Torrent - VofoTube Like a Boss Trailer Note: We Changed Vofotube to Please User our New Website.. will close soon.. Go to Ctrl + D to Bookmark.. Movie Name Quality Torrent Link Size Like a Boss 720p (HDCam) Download Torrent 800 MB 1. 5 GB 1080p (HDCam) 2. 0 GB Please Report Problem If Movie is Deleted - No Login Need - Without your Help Not Possible to Update Everything... Watch Online Like a Boss From Server 1 Watch Online Like a Boss From Server 2 Watch Online Like a Boss From Server 3 Note: If Server 3 not Plays Click Here to Play Updated on 2020-01-23 16:00:31 Like a Boss 2020 ‧ Comedy ‧ 1h 23m 21% Rotten Tomatoes 4. 2/10 IMDb 65% Fandango 65% liked this film Google users Best friends Mia and Mel run their own cosmetics company -- a business they built from the ground up. But theyre also in over their heads financially, and the prospect of a buyout offer from an industry titan proves too tempting to pass up. The beauty business is now about to get ugly as the proposal puts Mia and Mels lifelong friendship to the ultimate test. Initial release: January 9, 2020 (Israel) Director: Miguel Arteta Producers: Itay Reiss, Peter Principato, Marc Evans, Joel Zadak Production companies: Paramount Players, WWE Studios, MTV Films, Media Rights Capital Screenplay: Sam Pitman, Adam Cole-Kelly Keywords: Like a Boss Movie English, Like a Boss English Movie, Like a Boss 2020 Movie, Like a Boss 2020 English, Like a Boss Download, Like a Boss Torrent Download Like a Boss is Hollywood video/movie/serial and released in year 2020. Language of the video is English. This is 2020 movies, in which all actors works awesome. You can find the complete data of this film on imdb and Wikipedia. Links are placed below. Name: Like a Boss Language: English Year: 2020 More info: IMDB | Wikipedia

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Like a Boss
3.5 stars - Terence Dollarz